Sintió de repente
que veia las cosas
como un recién llegado
a un pais extrano,
que todo lo mira
con los ojos nuevos
de un recién nacido.
Su vida pasada y su identidad
las habia olvidado, y sin recuerdos
se habia quedado.
Las calles, las casas, la gente
que veía por donde pasaba
eran todas de un mundo
recién descubierto.
Sus ojos miraban las cosas
como una cámara cinematográfica
que las borraba luego.
El pasar del tiempo no tenia sentido
ni se daba cuenta de que estaba muerto
y que nadie supo que él habia existido.
16 sept. 1996
(Translated into English by Ernesto Priego, Jr.)
Suddenly he felt
he saw things
like someone just arriving
to a foreign country,
who sees everything
with the new eyes
of a new-born.
His past life and his identity
were forgotten, and without memories
he had been left.
The streets, the houses, the people
he saw wherever he went
were all belonging to a world
recently discovered.
His eyes looked at things
like a cinematographic camera
that afterwards deleted them.
The passing of time had no sense
and he did not realize he was dead
and that no one ever knew he had existed.
16 September 1996